I am head over heels in love with these gorgeous chenille bibs! Handmade by Etsy seller LulusWoobies, these are truly one of a kind baby goodness. Are they not the most luscious things you have ever laid eyes on?
Available in several colors, each bib is sewn from super soft and absorbent ribbed cotton chenille, backed with cotton terry. A sweet pair of gorgeous frosted cupcakes is appliqued on the chenille front, with coordinating rickrack trim bringing up the bottom. A velcro closure safely secures the back. Sized to fit newborn up to two years. Dimensions: 8" wide, 12" from top to bottom.
We all know of the unspoken competition that accompanies every baby shower to be
the guest who brings the most adorable gift. Show up with one of these beautifully wrapped goodies and you are unbeatable. And really, at this moderate price, a bib or two could easily be the tip of the iceberg to a larger basket of goodies.
Creator Tobie brazenly remarks "Perfect for the little birthday boy or girl! Great absorbent protection from yummy sloppy dessert or drippy fruit!" Yikes - these almost seem too beautiful for that treatment, but they
are completely machine washable ...
LulusWoobies Etsy shop offers a dazzling array of handmade hats, bibs, burp cloths and blankets. She pairs cool designer prints with the softest fabrics and yarns. Her hope is that each item she creates will become the cherished treasure of someone small. Take a peek inside her shop to see if there is something special waiting there for
your special someone.