Experts say the very best time to learn another language is as a child. If a person learns a second or third language when they are young, and learns it from native speakers, they will learn to speak it without an accent. A "foreign" accent comes from the difficulties of overcoming the details of how you learned to speak your mother tongue. A number of experts attribute this proficiency to physiological changes that occur in the maturing brain as a child enters puberty.
The Teach Me series are amazing products that can serve as a great introduction to a foreign tongue. Available in ten languages, the books and companion cds work together to introduce children to the languages of the world. Listen, learn and sing along with classic songs for children!
Teach Me Everyday is the newest addition to this series. Intended for ages two and up, these offer a basic intro that includes vocabulary, the alphabet, numbers, colors, days of the week and more. Pop in the cd and follow right along in the book - each written word is also spoken for a greater understanding. A fun format means big, bright illustrations, and a peppy song every few pages.
A foreign language opens a whole new cultural world to your children. Learning a second language will provide them with the skills they need to succeed in the future, and these books lead the way to making language learning an enjoyable experience. These products are a wonderful way help them learn another language at an early age and have fun at the same time.
Teach Me Tapes is consistently coming up with new ideas and products. Everyday Hebrew has just been released and is doing very well. It follows the same format as the other titles ... in Hebrew!