Smithsonian Networks always gives us the very best in nature programming. This time we get a rare, close up look at the secret lives of one of the world's most beloved creatures - pandas!
Were you aware that only about 1,600 Giant Pandas survive in the wild? This video takes us into China’s mist-shrouded Quinling Mountains, which extend for thousands of miles and where few people gain permission to enter. Here there are 200 to 300 of the amazing creatures, and we can experience their wild habitat through the eye of the camera.
Pandas in the Wild captures the loving warmth between a mother panda and her newborn, the fierce competition among male pandas fighting for females as spring approaches and the harsh struggles pandas endure to survive the snow-buried winter. Smithsonian Networks captures the pandas in their natural habitat for the first time, behaving in ways you just can't experience at the zoo.
Watching this DVD is akin to taking a journey into a remote and exotic locale and getting an inside look at these rare mammals. As always, there is the same great quality we have come to expect from Smithsonian Networks!