Gillian Shields; Illustrated by Anna Currey
Typically, I gravitate towards humorous children's books. But once in awhile, there is something to be said for a sweet, emotional one. My favorite gift for parents-to-be is a children's book. This one is particularly nice, as it is all about getting ready to welcome a new child into the world.
This family of bunnies is eager to greet their newest member. But there is no idle waiting - they are busy as beavers (apparently a family of beavers are not as sweet as bunnies when expecting) getting ready. The crib is made up with the coziest bedding and the nursery walls are painted a soft shade of butter yellow. Toys and presents are lined up waiting to be played with, and tiny garments line the drawers. The older children cannot bear the suspense, but Mother Bunny has been down this road before and knows babies create their own schedule.
When the baby does arrive, the family is filled with joy. Small heads press in close, eager to see their sibling. Friends and extended family arrive from near and far, bearing gifts for the newest arrival. It is an exciting time for everyone. And when the visitors hare gone, the family is left to enjoy their new, dear baby.
This is a super sweet picture book. The illustrations are a little bit dreamy, just exactly how you picture things just before you become a parent. And somehow, even though your life is the furthest thing from peaceful when the baby does indeed arrive, reading this years later will help you fondly remember it as being a wonderfully magical time. Definitely the perfect baby shower gift.
Review copy provided by Bloomsbury.